Paul Tudor Jones and Just Capital
I had the privilege of speaking with the CEO of JUST Capital, Martin Whittaker, the other day. JUST Capital is an organization founded by billionaire Paul Tudor Jones with a similar goal to GoodWell, to see businesses act more responsibly. Their approach is to find publicly available data and use it to rank the largest US based public companies in terms of their "justness" and provide consumers with the rankings in the form of a Just Index. There is a lot more to the company that will be coming out over the next few months, but I love their mission and GoodWell will fully support them in any way we can. However, that is not the point of this post. During the call Martin mentioned the TED talk Mr. Jones gave in 2015. I had not seen the talk yet and decided to go and check it out. What I found was a well thought out compelling argument as to why this movement is so important right now. The amazing thing is this talk is coming from a billionaire businessman who believes (as we here at GoodWell do) deeply in the free market and its ability to do amazing things.
It is 10 minutes long, but tells the story really well. I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please know that GoodWell is working hard every day to solve these and many other global issues. I hope you will consider joining us as a Founding Member.