JUST Capital Survey Confirms a Living Wage is still the most pressing issue

A 2022 survey by JUST Capital revealed that Americans overwhelmingly believe the number one responsibility of employers should be paying their employees a living wage. The 2022 survey asked over 100,000 Americans to rank the priorities they felt large corporations should focus on. Providing a living wage came out on top, with 63% of respondents ranking it as highly important. Across every demographic it ranked as the number one issue.

This finding highlights the growing sentiment that corporations have a duty to ensure their employees can afford basic necessities. With rising inflation and cost of living, there is an expectation for companies, especially highly profitable ones, to pay wages that allow workers to cover their needs. The federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour has not been raised since 2009, making it extremely difficult for full-time minimum wage workers to stay above the poverty line.

Recent surges in unionization efforts further demonstrate workers' desire for better pay and working conditions. High-profile union drives at companies like Starbucks, Amazon, and Apple and more recently at the big three automakers have brought attention to employee concerns over compensation not keeping pace with profits and productivity. The demand for unions reflects a broader push for corporations to rethink their relationship with and commitment to workers.

JUST Capital's survey has become one of the most telling sources of information on what Americans want from corporate America. Each year it provides insights into how people think companies should conduct themselves and contribute to society. The priority placed on fair employee compensation demonstrates many feel corporations are not doing enough currently to provide adequate pay.

With citizens looking for companies to step up, the pressure is on for employers to re-examine their pay scales. Offering competitive wages that reflect the true cost of living today will likely be crucial for attracting and retaining talent. It also presents an opportunity for brands to strengthen community relations by ensuring their employees can live securely. As Americans continue to demand better worker pay, companies would be wise to make this one of their top focuses going forward.


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